Welcome to the sancuary of the living-dead. Many have been bitten but few have been chosen. Take our Vampire Bloodline test today.

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sunset photograph during nighttime
a narrow tunnel with a light at the end
a woman's hands holding an open book

Have you been visited by a spirit of the night?

See If You've Been Chosen...

Special Skills

Can Live Forever

Eternal life offers vampires the chance to witness centuries unfold, accumulating vast knowledge and shaping history. Immortality provides endless opportunities to refine their talents and deepen their understanding of the world.

Supernatural Strength

Vampiric strength surpasses human limits, empowering them to overpower enemies and perform extraordinary feats. This strength is both a weapon and a tool for protection, instilling fear and commanding respect in the supernatural and human realms.

Night Vision

A vampire's night vision allows them to see clearly in the dark, transforming night into an ally. This ability enhances their hunting prowess, giving them a strategic advantage over their prey and connecting them more deeply to the nocturnal world.

Our Purpose:

Is to provide a safe haven for those who have been chosen by the night. We offer a variety of services to help you navigate your new life as a vampire. We offer a variety of services to help you navigate your new life as a vampire. We offer a variety of services to help you navigate your new life as a vampire.

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